Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An Epiphany: Raw Vegan Hot Fudge Brownie

Happy Epiphany! Today is the Twelfth Day of Christmas, and the day we western Christians (who follow the historic Church Year) commemorate Epiphany, the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child. Since "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word for "appearance" or manifestation, this day celebrates God's appearance (in the Person of Christ) to the Gentiles (non-Jews), including in this case the Magi.

In other countries, there have historically been special celebrations and traditions that surround this day. Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" or "As You Like It" was written to be performed at this time. Food, of course, is also a major player in such celebrations. In France, they celebrate with a special cake; in Spain, with a sweet bread; in India, a sweet rice pudding.

So, for a log house in the northwoods (in my case), how about a clone to a hot fudge brownie... maybe with some coconut creme? It's even good for you! ;) There's no chocolate, no sugar, no flour... and believe it or not, it's delicious!

This is more of a prescription than a recipe, but here goes:

Raw Vegan Hot Fudge Brownie with Coconut Cream
[This serves 1]

1-2 Tbsp Roasted (okay, so it's not completely raw) carob powder
1-2 Tbsp (same amount as carob) virgin coconut oil, liquified
2-3 Tbsp almond flour (almonds ground in coffee grinder)
1/8- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Coconut milk/cream (refrigerated, so it's nice and thick)

Slightly warm coconut oil to liquify. Meanwhile, spoon carob into a small dish. Pour coconut oil over it and stir. Mix in vanilla. Add almond flour as desired, to form a thick dough, yet just a bit "fudgey." Top with a dollop of coconut cream right out of the fridge. Enjoy!

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