Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's May!

... And I haven't posted since February! Yikes! Sometimes the chronic fatigue wins over doing things I would enjoy doing... like posting here, of course!

The picture above is one I took just today, during a leisurely walk in the woods. These are bleeding hearts, from one of our flower beds. I see the daffodils are up too, plus a lot of wild flowers... and some wild edibles! It's that time of year once again... time to find some food outside!

Currently, some of the wild edibles available are wild leeks (ramps), dandelion greens (Great for those green smoothies!), violets (both leaves and flowers are great for colorful salads), fiddlehead fern heads (saute in butter or ghee), moral mushrooms (Minnesota's state mushroom!-- saute in butter or ghee)... and on a recent trip to California, I had the opportunity to try miner's lettuce... Yum!

Here's a recipe from Sergei Boutenko for
Dandelion Pesto

3:½ cup dandelion leaves and flowers
½ cup sunflower seeds
2–3 cloves garlic
¼ cup basil greens- fresh or dried
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon sea salt (optional)
¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes (optional)

Place all ingredients in blender and blend thoroughly. Add more oil or lemon juice if necessary. Serve as you would regular pesto, for example, on crackers, bread, or pasta. Decorate with dandelion flowers. Serves 3.

He has a great video on the health benefits of dandelions. They really are an amazing weed (food)!

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